2018 Guatemala surgery mission
Our team completed 51 surgeries in 5 OR days! Thank you for your support and helping to make this possible for so many!
2018 DONATIONS = $4490
Pete and Vicki Stone $1000, Charles and Adrianne Kihm $500, Brenda and Bob Apter $500, Anonymous $500, Christopher Chase $300, Brant Hunter $200, Miriam Tiu $200, Molly Nardello $150, Nick Peregoy $150, Ashley Harvey $100, Beverly Hardesty $100, Hannah Billet $100, Chuck and Colleen Kline $100, Robert and Margaret Grimm $100, Jayne Schneider $100, Bilal Khan $100, Dylan Tonkin $50, Jamie Friesz $50, Jullie Ann Domain $50, Terri Maynard $40, Paul Clay $30, Leslie Vogt $25, Alan and Nancy Knoche $25, Leslie Silbaugh $20
phones and my scone -- drown plane conversation -- as i head to a third world destination -- to encounter real problems, -- and help solve 'em. -- Quietly, I'm quite focused to give back -- with supplies and care that they lack. -- Godspeed with God's plans -- of bad feet treated with blessed hands. -- Fulfilling purpose -- that makes it all worth it. -- Internally and eternally, -- I gotta smile. -- Hola Guatemala. -- I'm a man on a mission. cK-3/8/18
No Antigua
snooze to roosters cocking off -- so I took a walk with my cough -- to breathe in tranquility on the streets -- as sun rises over the volcano peak -- and slowly it leaks -- a pink, perfect glow -- out out to the waking grid below -- blessed to come a-cross this view -- and this life perspective -- making the most out of our world with a human love, collective. ck-3/9/18
The combination
of our team collaboration -- overcomes clubbed feet -- and for that cause, our hearts meet -- and our actions speak -- volumes, loud -- I can't express how proud. -- We may have language barriers -- but these kids are 'ers -- when we're under the Lake Atitlan stars. -- It's transforming to see -- them shed a disability -- for them, and for me. -- Now, they're empowered to live life -- better but still never like you are from a far -- A flash from the past keeps us so present. -- These are the best gifts; so precious. (deja vu but 1 year following her right clubfoot correction and me with better hair: 2017 and 2018) - ck-3/10/18